New! Join us online with HelloAsso!


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It is now possible to pay the membership fee or to donate online thanks to HelloAsso, a secure website which deals with everything for you, including your tax revenue.

To visit our dedicated page or for more information, click HERE.



Les Écocitoyens du Bassin d'Arcachon is an association recognised as being of general interest by the Tax Administration and is, therefore, able to deliver a tax receipt. For instance, a 100€ donation qualifies for a tax reduction of 66%. If you want a tax receipt please let us know.

Join us

To become an active member of our association and take part in the votes, it is necessary to adhere and to pay a membership fee of 12€. The membership fees have to be paid from January 1 of the current year. By becoming a member you agree with our status. Please read the following articles about membership:



Art 6 - Membership

Membership is free, provided that the following conditions are respected:

- Being an adult and enjoying full rights as a citizen

- Not having a mandate as an elected representative

- Being accepted by the bureau collégial

- Adhering without any limit to the values of humanism, ecology, and citizenship:

     - Humanism as a principle of Human Being and Human Rights respect, with the desire to improve or valorise his condition,

     - Ecology as a principle of nature and environment respect, with the desire to preserve them and to prevent any irreversible disaster,

     - Citizenship as a principle of community respect, with the desire to take part in the management of this community for everybody's interest.


Art 8 - The members

Are members:

- Donor members: they pay a higher fee than the basic membership fee to support the implementation of actions and/or the purpose of the association. They have a consultative voice in general meetings.

- Benefactor members are the natural or legal persons who provide important services to the association.They have a consultative voice in general meetings.

- Active members: except for the conditions quoted in the articles 6 and 11, are considered as members those who have paid their annual membership fee. They have the right to vote in general meetings..


Art 21 - Obligation of the members

Whoever joins the association accepts the association status and rules of procedure.

To read the entire document "Association Status", click HERE.



You can download the Membership and donation form 2017-2018 and send it to us by mail: Bulltin d adhe sion 18Bulletin d adhesion 18 (93.91 Ko)

Bulltin d adhe sion 18


Last edited: 05/03/2024